Hey baseball fans!
This week is all about small details!
First of all, the season screen has been redesigned with a cleaner look, and smaller cells for the scoreboard section. Look at this beauty!
On top of that, the boxscore has been changed so it fits longer names in a better way, and you will see more teams displayed in the "recent games" section of the multiplayer practice screen.
Finally, some contextual help popups have been added on some screens. These will help beginners to get a better grasp of the basic features of the game. Because let's be honest, AB can be quite complex!
Here's the complete list of new stuff in this update:
- Improved UI for the season screen
- Improved boxscore UI for long names
- The "Recent games" section can now features 12 players instead of 6
- New contextual help popups for beginners
- Bug fixes and improvements for the number retirement feature in the stadium
One last thing: if you want to get custom logos in the game, check out this brand new guide!
See you at the ballpark!
Changed files in this update