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h8machine update for 15 August 2022

Towards More Inclusive Expressions Of Hate

Share · View all patches · Build 9316962 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

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3 new personalities found their way into the game

  • slacktivist: supports the current thing and NEEDS you to know it. 😭 isn't super weak, but it's just not particularly exciting because the whole "needs a reply" theme means jumping through hoops to get normal things. There is no big payoff for doing something UNIQUE. So this personality introduces a new theme that's all about uniqueness. Rewards you for having as many colors in your deck as possible, with a potential payoff of drawing 5 cards at an affordable price.
  • losingIt: 😡 had only one real payoff for being low on 🧠, and hitting yourself is supposed to be a theme here. So this new personality adds more payoffs for being low on 🧠.
  • catfish: this 😍 girl (?) will be whatever you want her to be, and as such, has ALL hashtags at once. This personality can be sticked into many different decks as an universal enabler for egirls, pics, or anything hashtag related, and may be of use in the future if I decide to introduce more hashtags.

The game released with 4 challenge modes, but for many players, it's already hard even without them. Making the base game easier sounds boring to me, so I'm not doing it. Instead, I'd rather add optional rule-changing mods that lower the level of challenge, but also, alter the gameplay enough to make it interesting even if you didn't need an easy mode.

DIVERSITY is my first attempt at creating a mode like that. It completely removes the problem of color consistency by making all cards (with non zero cost) give one type of emoji. This emoji can be used to pay for any colored card. The game becomes much easier, but the change also enables decks that would never be good in normal mode - hopefully making it a fun challenge to try and break the game with some completely bonkers 5-color deck.

Text consistency

Ongoing effort to make text more consistent continues: all 🧠 restoration should now be "heal", all actions that go to your opponent portrait should be "give" (giving downvotes good, giving robots bad). Money and emoji should be "gained".

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