CStore Overhaul
A preview of the new Liquor room in the CStore
A nearly complete overhaul of CStore, while a lot of the looks remained the same unlike Killhouse, the interiors and exteriors of the building have received design updates throughout to change up the experience drastically, similarly to the Killhouse Overhaul update.
New Areas:
- Deli - A storefront extension area that mixes up how the storefront area is played, giving an area of crouch cover and defining pathways to rotate through. New art shows a mix of prepared foods and cutting areas that form a tight pathway with little room to manuever.
- Liquor - Divided by a button operated gate, this room attaches to the storefront tile and provides an open lane to engage opponents through, regardless of whether the gate is open or not. A small tight space provides limited cover and movement, with the main focus being a button on the interior that opens the gate. Operating the storefront shutters through the main button will also force this gate into the state of the storefront shutters.
- Entrance - The shutters now have a buffer zone before allowing you straight into the main storefront area, with a dividing wall that can either help the attackers as cover or hinder them by limiting their access to the storefront proper. Rooms can attach to this area and provide an alternate rotate route for both teams.
Exterior entrance to the Storage Room
Changes to Existing Rooms
- Storage - Now designated as the primary "free" entrance tile for attackers, this room features a crouch entrance that can be quickly opened with a blowtorch for a full height entrance, along with general adjustments to cover
- Bathroom - Major adjustments to shape, stall arrangements and walkable space. Additionally, the room features shootable vents that can connect it to other rooms and red-door vents that can require either a door charge or a torch to open.
- Freezer - There are now storage racks placed adjacent to the shootable freezer entrance shelves that reduce the amount of long lines of sight out of the freezer into the storefront.
- Storefront - The general size of the storefront has been reduced, to shorten extremely long sight lines that could occur in conjunction with other rooms.
- Office - Now featuring more cubicle like rooms for areas that need to be cleared.
Other Notes:
- Clusters, Props, Cover and Objects have generally been adjusted for more robust generations with less errors.
- The exterior of the building now features sidewalks attached to the building as well as some changes to the surrounding area.
- General size and shape of CStore has been adjusted.
Object Destruction & Effects Updated
- Small Object Destruction Added
- Objects in CStore have had a pass to get most smaller objects on shelves, counters, desks, tables, etc. to be destructible as it was in the early versions of the game
- Objects on shelves now group together if the shelf is destroyed to be updated to the destroyed state
- Optimizations done for small objects so that large groups of objects being updated from explosives doesn't cause large performance impacts
- Objects that are broken will be net-synced between clients on reconnects properly
- Lots of smaller objects in other tilesets now working as intended to be updated when shot or exploded by frag grenades
- Additionally CStore has Large Object destruction implemented, similarly to Bank and Killhouse, most objects will be destroyed when door and wall charges interact with them.
- Added blood effects (configurable) for hits on players
- Particle effects for non-player hits and destruction updated
Torch Related Changes
Text in italic are remarks from a designer
- The torch now has 32s of Fuel.
- 32 seconds of Cutting time for all 3 rounds. The time it takes to cut objects has been rebalanced into 4 time categories: 2s, 5s, 10s, and 30s.
- The Torch with unlimited ammo removed elements of predictability for the Enforcers by creating too possible breaches every round, removing scarcity from Enforcer planning. As a result Defenders would forgo planning due to the difficulty of creating a defensive strategy account for so many potential scenarios.
- The Torch is having its purpose focused on elements already in the game that have been largely been forgone in strategy due to Fire Doors being the preferred choice for Door Charges.
- When torching is complete, a loud sound will play to notify nearby defenders.
- Fire Doors are now Ballistic.
- Fire Doors now take 30s to Cut.
- Dome Red Doors now take 30s to Cut.
- Blowtorch angle restriction removed.
- Most other doors that could previously be cut now take 5s to cut open.
- Wooden doors should be 2s, including the small Castle door in Dome.
- We still liked how the torch did shake up the meta, creating more Double Charge opportunities and relieving pressure on Green Door only round 3 pushes for Enforcers. The torch will keep this potential with an 'all-in' choice using it on a Red Door.
- To codify this strategy, Fire Doors are being made Ballistic to remove the noob trap the torch currently presents and increase the success chance of executing such a long action.
- The Vault can no longer be Cut.
- The primary reason for this change was that Defenders are at a huge disadvantage in retaking positions. Many vaults were easy for the Enforcers to take and impossible for the Defenders to retake. It had too high of a potential to create extremely lopsided scenarios.
- There also became a huge incentive to leave players in the vault, often resulting in defenders not getting a chance to participate in the round.
- The Security Checkpoint Traps in Bank take 10s to cut.
- The Shutters in front of Cstore now cut 1 slat at a time.
- Slat takes 10s to cut.
- Grenades can be thrown through a cut slat.
- Using a Door Charge on the shutters to create a LoS has always been a strong strategic choice, but often unused due to Fire Doors existing. Giving the Torch this purpose introduces many strategies to control LoS in the storefront and opens up new opportunities to use wall and door charges elsewhere.
- Red Vent is a new Cstore breach.
- Red Vent takes 10s to cut.
- The Red Vent is a much more vulnerable breach as the player has to crouch to enter. Limited to crouching makes is risky to rush in using a Door Charge and benefits a more limited entry strategy the Torch Provides.
- Fan takes 10s to Cut.
- The Fan generally opens up to a large area with many crossfires and was a less desirable Door Charge target.
- Loading Dock Shutters
- Slat takes 10s to cut.
- One of the least used Door Charge targets in the game due to it often providing very limited LoS and the Torching the entire thing open was just plain ridiculous.
General Changes:
- All CStore maps replaced.
- A few maps from other tilesets replaced, a few others updated from feedback and fix bugs
- Optimizations for various gameplay systems
- Lights out will now be consistently much darker and not have very bright patches far away from the camera
- Added options to enable/disable blood and switch to alternate hit effects on players which are smaller
- Changes to nearly all hit particle effects on objects
- Decals for hit objects made smaller and easier to identify
- Changes to reduce crashes caused by level loading and errors
- Added more doors and interactable objects from maps to training
- Fixed bug where players couldn't use prompts to confirm resolution, rejoin last match, leave game or close game
- Fixed players being counted as inside the truck when getting to close to the doors while outside
- Fixed players being counted as inside the truck when jumping out at the last second
- Fixed torch changes sometimes causing strange "orange" lighting in factory bakes
- Lights and some destructible objects which contain lights are not yet shootable as we are still working on making sure shooting out lights works as intended.
- While small object destruction is enabled on all tilesets, some objects may not yet have fully fleshed out effects or destruction states.
- As all banks had to be updated again to resolve issues with objects not updating, some old issues may have returned as they did in the killhouse update. An attempt was made to go through all of the feedback both new and old and resolve unfixed problems such as hard to reach red doors or vents with no entrances, but something may have gotten missed. Feedback on bank maps is appreciated!
- A classic ambient track from the alpha makes a return in the CStore area...
Changed files in this update