Greetings Junkyard Warriors!
The new game mode Harvest Reloaded has finally been completed and is out as of this writing! In this new game mode your goal is to defend multiple mines from your competitor's army of drones as you mine the junkyard. The game mechanics and UI have been reworked heavily. Be sure to check out the tutorial for all the details!
In addition, 4 towers have been added to the game!
First up we have the slagger. It sprays a stream of acid and inflicts a burning effect on enemies that lasts several seconds after they travels out of range. It's on the cheaper side so a good early game tower.
The arc thrower is a bit more powerful, being able to continuously attack up to 3 enemies at once! Great for intersections and choke points.
The rocket tower launches a rocket that gleefully destroys packs of enemies! Good for placement near sharp corners where enemies tend to bunch up.
Last but not least is the disruptor. Firing a sonic pulse, it's able to slow enemies down for several seconds. Pair with rockets for devastating results!
Changed files in this update