Updated Kickstarter list
Changed the Barbell to +50% and now it effects bows
Bashing Shield now takes 1 energy
Arrows now do +1.5 damage per space
All effect totals are now rounded up
Lance now does 11 damage to all enemies
Mouse-wood nerfed to 150% damage
Balloon is now uncommon
Gemstone heart now increases to 8 hp gain on kill
My first wand now has 2 regen
Glove of Knives is now "Used" on scratch - bombstone will destroy it (Proper pacificist builds coming soon)
Sapphire now does +1 damage to adjacent weapons
Jade Axe now requires only 2 gold
Gave Tote more spaces in her early level ups
Big Mode no longer lets you find gold-related items such as the "Golden Shiv"
Sage Toad is now cowardly
Decreased replacement attack damage during endless dream
Flame Gem is now rare
Alloy does 3 block
Rebalanced costs in the forge
Bug Fixes:
Add haste to structure now applies each turn (rather than on use)
You can no longer save and quit during a battle in Iron-Mouse mode
Dragging items while doing an animation does not turn them transparent anymore
You can no longer spam-click weapons to use them
Scratches no longer have an animation when combat animations are disabled
Changed depots in testingbranch branch