We have fixed a few reported issues. If you find something that does not seem to be working correctly, or if the game crashes, please report the issue to DungeonSoftwareUS@gmail.com. Please remember to attach your adventurer .xml file. We can't fix what we don't know about!
Fixed in this release:
A crash when clicking on the map while creating a secret tunnel.
Permit secret tunnels to be created to non-existent areas.
When acquiring a legendary item with an imbued spell, the item will not be treated as a spell during acquisition.
Legendary items with imbued spells are now treated correctly if used to blast a door. If the item could be used as either a weapon or a spell to blast the door, a question will be asked to determine the intent.
During Campaign Quest 4 - The Pits of Deepmine, all looting was disabled instead of just for the Succubus.
Rolls that are supposed to be limited to 3d10 will now actually be limited.
Changed depots in v3beta branch