New dungeon activities have been added - not all quests are about killing the boss, now there are treasure hunts! This will add some new variation to dungeon exploring. Only a few items are available currently but more will be added over time as various new quest types are added.
I've unlocked world sizes in new games, previously they were defaulting to small worlds due to lack of content. I've stopped that and now you can select any size. In the future Custom will allow more detailed customization, but for not it's just a very large world.
Finally thank you to everyone who's been reporting bugs! Bug reports go noticed and you can see I've been fixing a number of smaller (and not so smaller) issues while I work on improving world content and variety.
I expect the next version to bring a few more world locations before I move on to adding random world events into the game.
Version 0.4.2 brings the following improvements:
- Fix bug where you could close the town screen while recruiting and break
- Fix some typos
- Possible fix for keys not always dropping
- Adjust Holy Word energy cost
- Item recovery dungeon goals added
- Fix some Scholar skill text not showing up properly
- Clarify the text for melee boosting elemental skills (Stone Blade vs Stony Blade, etc.)
- Fix for randomized faces not resetting if cancelled
- Fix bug where some air elementals acted as ice elementals
- Fix issues when training at non-town buildings
- Fix cross-fragment pathfinding
- Fix a number of combat damage adjustment bugs
- Allow world size to be manually set again when creating a new game
Changed files in this update