hot fix hot fix
- Reduce some texture size (Now the size of the game has been reduced to about 29gb)
- full stack item dupplicate when shift + click
- Add collision to prevent player get stuck in mine elevetor
- unlimited safe water when taking water from a water purifier hot fix
Performance fix #3
The 'Old West Town' zone still needs more improvements, especially When going up to the museum area. I will update as soon as possible.
- fix some landscape materials function and remove some unused func
- level streaming area re-work
- reduce some props texture size
- disable some dynamic grass shadow
Bug fix
- Pickup truck can't transport security locker or some movable storage
- Prevent pickup truck from storage, or objects in the back collision
- While the character is in the air, jumps, or climbs and enters the car, the game freezes.
- While climbing and the player try to gets into the car will cause the player to fall through the ground.
- Shift + click adding items to a full container bug (lost all remaining items)
- Shift + click to loot from infected not work
- Weight warning message not showing ("too much weight can't climb")
- Time advanced, sleep time, work time not working correctly
- 256 scope bug when aim
- Can craft fish pond without materials
- Took some safe water from the barrel into a bottle, got unsafe.
Feture and Gameplay
- The lighter can now be used as a starter to light a fire.
- Reduce Spike Barricade craft materials
- Reduce wood logs weight to 5.5kg
- Weigh max up to 65
- Reduce Hunger, Thirst, and Stamina decrease rate
- Add 2 claimable bases : Big Green Barn, Cabin
Changed files in this update