Hellish Quart pre-alpha v. 2022.08.14.0
- Marta: has new X and Long Guard + X combos (that should also fix the attacks spamming)
- Marta: a quick cut attack (Down, Fwd, X)
- Marta: fixed some Long Guard attack triggering
- fixed bug where you were able to train with sharp weapons in FPP
- Barabasz: adjusted feet colliders to prevent feet from dragging on the ground
- Marta: Close Attack (punch, kick) is now triggered properly at a very close distance
- Marta: Fixed Long Guard: Y, X attack not inflicting damage if the first attack in the combo was blocked
- Fixed regression: a cut in the weak part of the blade now forces through the opponent's guard and inflicts reduced damage if scores a hit
- Marie: a bit less inertia on the sword
- Marie: a different High Guard + X attack animation (a very quick cut)
Changed files in this update