- Added a warning window about epilepsy at the first start of the game
- Added game achievements (local, Steam-free (for now))
- Added a new quest with smugglers
- Added a quest at the level of "Suburb", associated with the new game location - "Mines"
- Weapons now have a recoil
- Weapons can now be broken during use. It needs to be repaired by collected components through inventory, added HUD wear indicator
- Added spilling blood effect for attacked NPCs and player character
- Implementation of the XInput controller has been completed. The game using it is now fully playable
- Fixed a crash when using a controller and changing weapons
- Increased dialog window and font on resolutions from 1080p and higher
- Hunger and thirst now don't kill the character, but reduce the max amount of health by 30% (total 60%)
- Menu call now doesn't pause the game, which reduces the risk of logic bugs with sounds in the levels
- Fixed a bug with displaying NPC enemies without weapons when loading some locations
- Melee weapon hits on walls now leave hit decals
- NPC can open doors now
- Fixed bugs with the impossibility to continue game passing at restart of autosave on the levels "Suburbs" and "Market - 2"
- Improved grenade explosion sounds, its physical model and effects
- Added Gam-Gun reload sound
- Added thematic visual "glitches" at Chapter 3 levels
- Added a jump at the leaving the water, which allows you to leave waterplace without problems
- Fixed bugs with a motorcycle: the character now jumps off it when fall into the water, fixed rotation when transitioning between locations
- Replaced motorcycle engine sounds
SALVATIONLAND update for 14 August 2022
Patch 0.6
Patchnotes via Steam Community
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Depot 1807591
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