Back again with another build! This update polishes up some more issues with the level editor, the player kit, and some in-game level assets!
Patch Notes
Level Editor :
- Can now use the number keys 1-9 to select tiles from the toolbar
- Can now use ctrl + scrollwheel to select tiles from the toolbar
- Added a "?" button that will show the controls to the Level Editor
- Added a "Page" button that will allow the player to wipe the entire level and start from scratch
- Added a "Gear" button in the extra menu to allow the player to adjust the in-game settings
Level Loader :
When playtesting, the player now has 3 new debug options :
- Infinite Health : Bound to 1
- Infinite Stamina : Bound to 2
- Set Checkpoint : Bound to Left ALT
Player Kit :
Wall Jump :
Increased the horizontal velocity specifically for wall jumping : speedValue sprintSpeed - slowReduction -> (speedValue sprintSpeed - slowReduction) + (speedValue / 2)
Increased base jump velocity specifically for wall jumping : jumpHeight 0.8 -> jumpHeight 0.85
Change how the wall jump works :
- The player will still attach to a wall the same way as before, but now the feature will not automatically swap directions, the player will have to do that manually.
- While the player is holding any direction while holding onto a wall, the player will not fall off the wall. This will help the player plan for jumps without falling, or being forced to try to take a jump too early.
Dash :
- Renamed to blink
- No longer gives horizontal velocity
- The player will now do a small hop vertically when standing
- Increased the amount the player will vertically move when in the air : jumpHeight / 3 -> (jumpHeight / 4) * 3
- Increased amount of iFrames given : .2s -> .3s
- Increased cooldown : 1s -> 2s
Level Assets :
Jump-Pad :
- Updated the base texture
- Updated the launch pad color
- Updated the level editor sprite
Data Stream Particles :
- Reduced area that partiles spawn : 4.4 -> 3
- Reduced amount of particles spawning : 15/s -> 10/s
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that caused the jumppad to spawn too far to the left
- Fixed a bug where the player was able to use the dash to fully avoid spike damage
- Fixed a bug that would cause an error when the player tried to see what workshop levels were installed when there was no workshop levels installed
- Fixed a bug where the player would be able to move after completing a level in the level editor
- Fixed a bug with the walljumping hitboxes to be seperated, causing the player to get caught on them when sliding down the walljumpping spots
- Fixed a bug where the player could open the tile selector menu while other menus were open
Changed files in this update