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Legendary Journeys update for 13 August 2022

Patch Notes: ea v0.4.2

Share · View all patches · Build 9310172 · Last edited 13 August 2022 – 18:46:05 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

EA Release - 0.4.2 Notes

Developer Notes
This update is the start of skill tweaking.

I have begun to tweak formulas to bring things in line for a better play experience instead of the blazing fast (which is great for testing) speeds.
The amount of skill points earned, overall, has been adjusted down - you need to plan how you spend those skill points.

I've added a new item to the game - skill rune - which grants the user 2 skill points - much like the Horeshoe from Might and Magic. Look for purple gems in the world.

XP gains have been adjusted. You shouldn't notice too much in the early levels; higher levels, you should notice a slower leveling pace.

I've decreased the human learning bonus from 20% xp bonus to 10% xp bonus. This will affect saved game parties.

All skills for each rank has at least one trainer in game. Most have 2 or 3. For the few that have one, I will be adding another trainer in the world; updating the regional maps will come after I'm done.
Added a few new trainers this patch. I will be sure each skill rank has at least 2 trainers in game.

Also, I've gone through all of the melee trainers and made sure they were training appropriate skill, checking for class, skill level,
and whether or not the character already knows the skill. A message will be displayed if one of these checks fails. I'll be doing the same for each skill.
Next update, should have armor and magic skills completed.
*ALERT - Save games may be broken with this update ALERT***

  • New - Skill Rune

  • Fixed - n/a

  • Informational - Decreased total number of skill points gained

  • Informational - Decreased the amount of XP gained for higher level mobs.

  • Informational - Changed the description of the Battle Tactics and Haggle skills to better fit the tooltip window

  • Informational - Melee skill trainer's check for class, skill level, and if already known

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