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IKO 39 update for 13 August 2022

New inventory and other changes

Share · View all patches · Build 9310143 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

The following changes have been made to the game:

  1. Completely rewritten inventory from scratch.

  1. Added a new bot in 2 variations.

  1. Added hints to many items that you can interact with.

  1. The system of saving has been changed. We recommend starting the game from the beginning.

  2. Changed the display of icons.

  3. Added more hints for quests.

  4. The sight icon has been increased by 2 times.

  5. Stamina (stamina) is now consumed 2 times slower.

  6. Added the ability to save and load the game from the menu.

  7. The PDA closes additionally on Escape.

  8. If you fail under the map, the character will automatically die and the last save will start.

  9. Fixed the volume of some dialogs. The volume of dialogues directly depends on where the character is located.

  10. The uninformative map has been removed.

  11. Added more oxygen replenishment terminals.

  12. Added more first aid kits. We remind you that first aid kits are recharged a minute after they are used.

  13. The rifle has increased bot damage.

  14. Increased the number of resources on the map.

  15. Now the assistant bot can bring resources, but with a delay of 2 minutes.

  16. The bullet speed has been reduced for the turrets.

  17. Now it's a little more convenient to read diaries and quest tasks. The quest/diary button becomes inactive when you click on it.

Windows 64-bit Depot 1174271
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