Version 0.295 The Lost Update
--Added content to Inn events. Innkeepers now have a wake-up comment, and you must leave the Inn to sleep there again.
--Added content in Demeter Cave. Item Vendor now offers items in the cave.
--Added content to Pyramid of Anu.
--Optimized BGM volume at pianos, which was previously too quiet.
--Optimized PC Scrall's dialogue at game opening.
--Optimized choreography and dialogue during opening sequence.
--Optimized PC Scrall's mother's dialogue during her main event.
--Optimized world map for traversibility and function.
--Optimized treasure chest locations in Moyra.
--Optimized map in Moyra for aesthetics.
--Optimized event choreography and dialogue for PC Sita's introductory event sequence.
--Optimized optional event dialogue for PC Sita during Hermes Bay event.
--Optimized event dialogue at Appolla Castle arrival event in Chapter One.
--Optimized NPC dialogue in Appolla Castle Courtyard.
--Optimized event choreography for NPC Queen Bhumi during the Tofla Regent's appearance.
--Optimized treasure chest contents in Demeter Cave.
--Optimized Inn event dialogue.
--Changed Capua Fighter's Guild tutorial area's bookshelf to reflect updated information.
--Optimized treasure chest contents in Kakkar Wastes.
--Optimized event dialogue and choreography at Kakkar Wastes major event.
--Optimized event dialogue during Temple of Kalika event section.
--Optimized treasure locations in Agghora.
--Optimized mini-event dialogue in Agghora for PC Samara.
--Optimized title of child's book in Agghora house.
--Optimized event choreography and dialogue in Agghora.
--Fixed a bug that would improperly play a rain effect in Moyra Pub during opening sequence.
--Fixed a bug that would give you no item when getting a certain treasure chest item in Kakkar Wastes.
--Fixed a bug that would not allow you to pass through a passable area in Appolla Castle Barracks.
--Fixed a bug that allowed you to travel to impassable areas at Demeter Cave outdoor entrance area.
Volvalis update for 13 August 2022
The Lost Update
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