I replaced the placeholders for the Pahal / Kiran and Pahal / Anupam stories with full storylines similar to the existing Pahal / Radha one. There are further minor storylines to be embedded in the game around specific things that the group researches, but these form the skeleton of the relationships.
I also updated the way camps work. Now, you get bonuses for camps in the same contiguous zone as the city. Also, all of the bonuses your cities produce go to all of the camps in the zone.
I also started the game with a lot of camps already on the map. These camps start out raw and then transform into more specialized ones as they grow. The kind of camp they become depends on the actions you take while connected to the camp and on the tiles that they are on.
I've also put in a bunch of small fixes. The next sprint is going to be a full pass on the economy and tech trees to make both smoother. I'll also update the tutorial as part of this. If you have any feedback on any of these, this would be the best time for that, but I do always appreciate any feedback you might have on anything else as well.
Changed files in this update