Hello Everyone!
A new update has arrived!
In Update
- Increased time of day
- Fixed missing rain sound from 1st person
- Fix fps drop during rain and storm
- Changes in the weather system, fog appears less often
- The weather changes often
- Axe and pickaxe register hits better
- Fixed a bug when a mine was placed instead of a trap
- Fixed footstep sounds when holding flashlight
- Now you can get metal fragments from iron ore using a furnace, the ability to craft metal fragments has been added
- Fixed hearing distance for some sounds
- Character death animation changed to ragdoll
- Added option to disable quests in settings
- Added disable camera shake function in settings
- Fixed a bug with horses spawning and dismounting animation playing when you are not on a horse.
- Other minor changes and fixes
To connect to the servers you need to update the game
Changed files in this update