Our original design philosophy was to create a numberless game, which was accessible to everyone: and for the most part we succeeded. Understandably however, many of you wanted more details. How much food does a Bakery provide? How much Fun does Stan the Serf actually need? And why do some buildings seem to add things not mentioned in the text?
To help you answer these questions we have added numbers back into the game, although you can still ignore them if you want to! We've created a whole bunch of changes to the games graphs and menus:
The Build Menu
Now shows exactly how much of each resource a building supplies.
The Stats Menu
We added a second Needs chart based on actual numbers and not percentages, and added hoverable tooltips so you can see exactly how much of a resource your villager's need, and see how much surplus you have.
The Villager Menu
Here we added more hoverable tooltips so you can see exactly how much of a resource an individula villager needs
-- increased the collecting range of the postman for when orbs are difficult to get. (this should stop him getting stuck)
-- Children now back away from enemies, causing a dramatic decrease in their deaths.
Changed files in this update