- Gold income dosen't depend on the monster's LVL anymore, so the player can better enjoy the bonus he got with blood and barrels
- It also make it way much more interesting to keep your change for the next level.
- Slighlty increased the number of projectiles gathered at lower level of difficulty.
- Reduced RNG of shop prices.
- Shop's green items are now grey, and vice and versa.
- Shop's grey item (previously green), malus is slightly less important.
- Shop's item armor bonus are nerfed.
- Shop's item max. health bonus nerfed.
- Shop's item energy regen are buffed.
- Shop's item's prices slightly less random.
- Easier difficulty setting made... easier.
- Big wolf (first boss) doesn't debuff energy before difficulty 5/10
Bug fix:
- Fixed bug that made able to spawn two wolves in the tutorial's third room.
- Fixed bug with controller that wasn't closing inventory after visiting NPC.
- Fixed problem with some controller that made opening an NPC interface close right away.
- Changed SFX when changing projectiles
- Lowered menu's button sound level.
- Improved and fixed tutorial's dialogs.
- NPC position on the room depend on the doors position
- Teleportation now occurs on the exact middle of the room
Changed files in this update