Thank you so much for your feedback! You showed us again that you are interested in the game and want to dive into the world of the OrbWarriors. To thank you for your trust and help in realizing our vision for OrbWars, and to make it accessible to as many of you as possible, OrbWars will be available from now on throughout Early Access at a reduced price of €9.99.
To all those who have already bought the game for €14.99: As a supporter right from the start, we would like to thank you with an exclusive in-game goodie - more information soon!
Codec Rooms
What are Codecs?
Codecs are hidden objects that can be found in levels in different ways, for example by activating a certain set of buttons. Once they're collected, players are free to unlock the matching Codec Rooms that can be found all over the different levels and Worlds.
What are Codec Rooms?
Codec Rooms are where the real challenge starts!
Players have a limited amount of time to finish one of the six different challenges implemented so far. We don't want to get into too much detail here, so make sure to look out for them!
We're planning more Codec Rooms for the upcoming worlds too.
Whats with Holly?
Holly is kind enough to let you enter the challenges, if you're so kind to give her some of your coins of course. Apart from managing the Codec Rooms she's getting a training course ready, which up and coming OrbWarriors can soon use to hone their skills before heading into battle.
What about rewards?
We've added special rewards to the Codec Rooms. If players complete a challenge in time, they are rewarded by a sticker, that can be redeemed in Hanks Skin-Shop to unlock one of the brand new Orb Skins. Here's a little sneak peek at some of them:
Hanks Skin-Shop is finally open for business.
You can help Hank finish his Sticker-Collection by collecting Stickers that are hidden all around the available worlds. After you've completed a skin set by finding three matching stickers you have the opportunity to buy the skin for that OrbWarrior. Hank is only charging some of your precious coins.
Here are some of the Skin Variations :
Quality of Life changes
There's an overview in the level selection that shows you which collectibles you're missing and which ones you've already collected.
We've reworked the SaveGame system to incorporate all the new collectibles. If everything runs smoothly, you won't even notice a difference. If you do, please let us know!
In order to make the game even more dynamic, we've added the ability to dash into orbs to collect them and get an instant orb charge. In addition, orbs will now linger on the ground for a small amount of time and can be picked up to get an additional orb charge as well!
We've added an indicator to the Dash, so you can better plan where you'll end up dashing to.
We heard you like auto-aim, so we've added some more auto to the auto-aim: This new option causes your OrbWarrior to automatically target the nearest enemy when charging an orb. This little helper can be turned on in the Controls menu. We've also added an option which automatically triggers your equipped OrbBoosts when hitting a suitable target. This, of course, also can be toggled.
Speaking of OrbBoosts, we've added two new variants to the versus mode: Utilize the powers of both the SplitBoost and the ShockBoost to defeat your foes (and friends). You can also expect these boosts to appear in the Campaign mode with future updates, so stay tuned for that!
Collectibles now have a really cool animation when they're collected, so it's more apparent you just picked up something worth checking out.
- Less punishing laser obstacles
- Stopped Centuri-Oh-No's from potentially getting stuck in the jump animation
- Removed some dead ends
- Lots of other small bugs and issues!
We're really happy with this big update and hope all of you have a great time playing with the new features! Let us know how you like them!
Changed files in this update