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Chaos Galaxy 2 update for 12 August 2022

Version 0.7.9 Update

Share · View all patches · Build 9304083 · Last edited 12 August 2022 – 15:19:23 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hi, my friends!

In this update, the AI action speed on galaxy map has been accelerated, and the battle animation speed on the battlefield has also been accelerated.

Gameplay improvement:

  1. The labor points produced by the Immigration Office has been increased.
  2. AI on the battlefield will give priority to move to space buildings only when their power or energy are not full.
  3. We will no longer get bio-units' blueprints when destroying other factions.
  4. Some text descriptions are adjusted.

Bug Fixed:

  1. Fixed a bug that Strategic skills could be used on the wasteland planet.
  2. Fixed a bug that the units with carapace may not lose durability when being bombarded by the artillery.
  3. Fixed a bug that the direction in game is not completely accurate.
  4. Fixed several issues related to the weapon selection interface.
  5. Fixed a bug that the value of reducing defense by bombing is wrong in report.
  6. Fixed a bug that some weapons consume incorrect energy in auto-battle.
  7. Fixed a bug that the damage calculation may be incorrect if the carapace is broken in the battle.
  8. Fixed a bug that the melee weapons can still attack the opponent if it is pushed away by the ram weapons during the second attack.

At present, the version 0.7 is basically stable. Next, I will start to work for the first milestone of the EA: The Wandering Ark. This content is expected to take about a whole week to finish.
Please wait for the new events!

Han Zhiyu

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