Greetings fellow spaaaace chefs!
Today we release another patch with a plate full of fixes and improvements. What you’ll find on the menu:
- Cryotube now allows the player to save unlocked planets, as well as restart a session: You can buy any (affordable) planet and freely visit them after death, reset or restart. Unlocked and saved planets will no longer provide any quests or require traveling fees as well as imposed prestige requirements.
- Second Chances amount is set to unlimited, so the player would be able to buy as many as desired, a new counter indicates the current number.
- Quest generation and distribution improved.
- You can now carry multiple buns at once.
- Updated the Tutorial according to the changes.
- Fixed various input related issues.
- Updated localization and Credits.
Enjoy your meal!
Greetings from Team Liquid Pug & Daedalic Entertainment.
Changed files in this update