Shield Minions: Shield all of your minions. Reduces damage taken by 75% for 1.5 seconds. Casts instantly.
No Mana or Stamina Cost
Cooldown: 7s
This skill is available exclusively from the Skill Merchant and will not randomly roll on items.
Overcharge Core Rework
- Constructs explode on death, dealing base damage equal to 100% of their maximum health to nearby targets.
- Constructs that are already designed to explode on death add 100% of their maximum health in base damage to the explosion.
All minions have had their damage increased by 10%.
Spider Mines now Hit with their initial explosion.
Summon Zombie Warrior - Pact Effect Attack Speed bonus: 10% -> 15%.
Avatar of Lightning
- No longer deals increased damage based on remaining number of chains.
- No longer deals damage to the initial target.
Avatar of Fire - Ignite damage on Hit: 50% -> 30%
- Mana Cost: 0 -> 100
- Stamina Cost: 125 -> 100
Doubled the amount of gold dropped by all Goblin enemies.
Enemy health increased by 30%.
Wizard Ice Shard persistent damage reduced to 10% against minions.
Fixed Summon Bear's slam doing more damage than intended to some enemies.
Fixed Health Regen from Utility Flasks not applying to Pact Minions with Mutual Mending.
Fixed being unable to use Health Flasks at full health with Mutual Mending.
Fixed some Spell Effects that were intended to stack, but were not stacking. This likely affected many effects, but most notably of these are Flask Effects with Regen. These should now stack effectively now as intended.
Added helpful tooltips to the Influence and Enchant crafting menus.
Small improvements to the Crafting Menu UI.
Changed files in this update