Hello, shopkeepers! Or, should I say Saleblazers? Maybe that's too corny.
Here are some more fixes. To be honest, I don't know how the game was even working before this patch. There's been some fundamental networking issues that have been resolved.
Thank you for helping us report all of these issues. We wouldn't be able to do it without everyone's help. As always, we appreciate any and all feedback at https://discord.gg/Saleblazers.
- Michael
- Customers now have a chance to equip a random loadout! For example, Tourists can have selfie sticks and Farmers can have scythes.
- Added new swimming sounds
- Customers now pick a random item around them instead of the first item they see, which should help in specific scenarios where customers would only use one container/register/waiting line at all times
- Adjusted the research table's nodes
- Removed Bamboo Club and added Basic Sword to starting craftables
- Added scroll and rotate to keybind menu
- Added Stanchion item to the game so you can create nicer lines for customers
- Changed Tier 1 Ronin to have a Bamboo Dagger instead of Katana
- Fixed out of range exception that sometimes caused black screens when loading in
- Fixed black screen when rejoining a server
- Removed and compressed many assets to reduce memory usage
- Fixed clothes briefly appearing when a player joined
- Fixed spawner not respawning enemies when leaving and coming back from a chunk
- Fixed needs system binding too many times and not unbinding ever
- Players now see items other players catch from fishing
- Fixed bug where crafting at a campfire would ignore stack limits
- Fixed issue where item didn't think it was owned by an inventory when it was
- Fixed NRE for skill tree
- Fixed object not being grabbed properly when the player picked it up with the gravity magnet mode
- Fixed AI flying away when you parry them
- Clients can no longer duplicate materials
- Fixed taking items out of deathbox and having them be invisible
- Cleaned up plant save code
- Fixed NRE in shop code
- Fixed NRE in player code
- Fixed invalid cast exception in water code
- Fixed NREs in world map manager
- Fixed out of range exception with inventory loading code
Changed files in this update