Hello everyone!
No vacation for horror with this new update, with the “nightmare” difficulty and many other improvements.
Thanks for your feedback on discord https://discord.gg/vgrdZfp !
V0.3.3 - Improvements and debug
- New Nightmare difficulty (only one light stick, entities with more power, faster, but more loots)
- Sounds of a level start after the intro video
- New option for skip intro automatically (false by default)
- Intro videos with better quality in higher quality option
- Scary decals in Suburbs level when you take relics
- Title Tab info grow/ungrow during 5 seconds
- No levels required anymore for equipments
- Compass with emissive Arrow
- Compass no longer detect loot objects, equipments and light sticks
- Display loot details in ending screen
- Switch equipment with better animation (tidy equipment before take the new one)
- Codes of notebook displayed on the keys list
- Improve doors behaviour, without physics anymore, and fix some toilet doors movement
- Players can lean left and right with H and J (by default)
- No more change speed when aim and increase aim zoom
- Fix some hitboxes (with sofa in Suburbs for keys)
- Force disable controller when knocked out (to avoid move)
- Update tutorial texts in hospital with correct input (by keyboard or controller)
- Fix entities movement in hospital
- Fix some spelling mistakes
- Fix duplicate keyboard bindings in option menu
Changed files in this update