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Reentry - A Space Flight Simulator update for 11 August 2022

Update 0.92 is out - AGC P30 & SPS, first PADs, improved Apollo Entry!

Share · View all patches · Build 9295867 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Reentry version 0.92 is primarily about improving existing features in preparation for the 1.0 milestone (keep in mind that 1.0 is just the beginning towards version 2.0). The major features in this update is a big overhaul of P30 in the AGC, a central piece of software used in all AGC controlled SPS/RCS burns, the introduction of a Preliminary Advisory Data (PADs) system and a big overhaul to atmospheric entry in Apollo and the related Entry Monitoring System (EMS).

In addition, hundreds of bugs and issues has been resolved in Mercury, Gemini and Apollo.

Note: If this build causes issues for you, you can use the Steam Beta Tabs to roll back to version 0.91.

Let's dive into the details:

P30 has now been rewritten to provide you with a better experience when using the AGC to prepare burns. You can now use P30 to plan burns without the need of the Maneuver Planner, and all the data shown during P30 and P40 should now make sense. Previously you would see a lot of dV data and orbit prediction data that did not make sense, especially when in Lunar Orbit. What you now should see is a clear time of ignition, a correct local body dV vector and a correctly predicted orbit if the burn would be executed perfectly.

The Maneuver Planner will not make much magic behind the scenes anymore, and instead just insert the burn data into the AGC for you. You will still need to use P30 to prepare for it, but the data you saw in the Maneuver Planner should now be similar to what you see when navigating through P30.

Note: TLI (S-IVB burn planner), TEI (TEI planner) and LOI (SPS Maneuver Planner) still requires the use of these tools as special computation and logic is required for the trajectory.

When P30 is running, a new green prediction line will be visible in Orbit View that shows you the prediction as you progress through P30. When P30 shows you the predicted orbit, this line will show how it looks in Orbit View as well.

In the image below, I'm planning a dV burn of 30 ft/s at TIG 2h 4m 10,00 sec.

First Preliminary Advisory Data aka. PADs!
During the Apollo missions, the crew had forms they could use to write down data about upcoming procedures. A P30 PAD would for example contain all the data required to perform the burn, in addition to data required during a backup procedure if for example the primary systems would fail.

The CREW MEMBERs menu has now received a PADs section where you can request various PADs. The Maneuver Planner will also now give you a P30 PAD when you request a burn.
The PADs you now can request are:

  • Circulate at Ap burn PAD (P30 PAD)
  • Circulate at Pe burn PAD (P30 PAD)
  • Maneuver Planner PADs (P30 PAD)
  • Lunar/Earth Entry PAD
  • Trans-Lunar Injection PAD
  • P52 alignment form (similar to a PAD)

In addition, the game has the P30, Entry and P52 forms available in-game with a drawing tool that will let you fill out the form as you receive the data from GROUND or a live MOCR session.

This feature combined with the P30 improvement will greatly increase the realism and immersion of planning, preparing and executing burns.

Keep in mind that this is the first version of the PADs, a system that will improve as we progress towards 1.0 and 2.0.

Apollo Atmospheric Entry Overhaul

Requesting an Entry PAD will now give you all the information you need about your entry experience. This information can be used to correctly set the entry REFRSMMAT (during entry, the inertial platform is aligned so that the FDAIs behave more like an aero plane), and better prepare the EMS (Entry Monitoring System).

The aerodynamics of the Command Module has also been improved to give you a better experience of flying through the atmosphere. The RSI needle will show you the Up-vector direction (if GDC is aligned correctly with the IMU), and the EMS has been improved to show the current entry trajectory (G-forces vs. velocity), and almost every aspect of entry has been improved.

A splashdown predictor is visible in the Orbit View after planning a deorbit burn or when requesting an entry PAD while on an entry trajectory.

A Lunar Entry scenario has been added and can be found in the Apollo Scenarios mission selector.

I recommend watching the Apollo - Atmospheric Entry Phase (1968) video for details regarding atmospheric entry in Apollo:

Runnable Entry Checklists
The Earth and Lunar Entry checklists has now been made runnable. You can now use the Checklist Guide to help you with Entry, and to configure everything correctly.

High G-Forces will kill you
With the new entry overhaul in Apollo, the G-forces can get the crew killed. This feature can be toggled in Realism Settings, and is also disabled in the Academy Entry lesson (override). During the entry lesson, if you exceed the structural limits, you will get a message instead, letting you know that they have been exceeded.

Game Over screen
A Game Over screen has been added, and will give you the reason for Game Over, and a way to return to the Main Menu, similar to Mission Accomplished.

Entry Monitoring System overhaul
The EMS has been fixed so it can better be used as a tool during your missions. Tests can now be run on the pad (GTV) or in-orbit, and the various functions should work better during SPS burns, monitoring and Entry.

On the EMS scroll, you will find the various tests referenced on the checklists (pre-launch, pre-entry etc) as well as preparing for entry:

For example, the image above tells you to set the EMS mode to standby, and the function on Test 5 (it is required to set the EMS to Test 5 before entry for correct behavior, all other tests can be skipped if you wish). Move the scroll to the 37.000 line (start of entry pattern), then set the EMS function to RNG SET and set the RTOGO from PAD or P61 N63 R2, then set EMS function to Vo SET and move the pattern so the orange line matches the EI velocity (Entry PAD or P61 N63, typically around 25.500 for Earth Entry and 63.200 for Lunar entry).

Once the 0.05G is detected, set the EMS mode to Normal. This will start the EMS and your entry trajectory will be drawn on the mylar-scroll.

It is important to also remember to read other indicators during entry than only looking at the EMS. For example, the altitude indicator and preparing the ELS so chutes will be deployed as planned.

Command Module RCS fixes
The RCS system of the Command Module has been improved to fix some major bugs related to it's pressure, way of pressurizing it and RCS jet-temperatures. The CM heaters also have an overhaul to make it work better during entry preparations.

Command Module System Test
An initial version of the Command Module System Test feature has been added. This is a system located on panel 101 and consists of two selectors (OFF, 1 -> 7 and A, B, C, D) and a VOLTs indicator. This can be used to check various internal systems (not all is yet added) such as RCS CM jets temperatures, battery relay bus, etc.

The System Test gauge is designed to be able to monitor systems not commonly monitored, thus not prioritized on getting it's dedicated space on the MDC. The system uses a volts gauge to display a voltage signal on a selected system. The chart below show show the volts indicator can be read:

Some other fixes not covered in the above section
Lots of typos fixed
Lots of mission updates and academy updates
Chute Lines improvements
Panel texture fixes in all crafts
Gemini Commander left hand inside panel fixed
Gemini lock-on light fixes
Gemini uncommand thrust in orbit fixes
Gemini volts/amps indicator updates
Gemini rigid docking fixes
Gemini 220 (undock) command fixes
Mercury switch highlighter visible outside cockpit fix
Some improvements to reported Mercury graphics glitches
Fixes related to resetting the challenge mode correctly

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