Hey there everyone! I hope you're all suited and booted because...
We can hardly believe we're here in Tredopolis, time seems to have FLOWN by! It's finally time for you to take on fashion faux pas' and hem up those hot messes! A MASSIVE thank you to everyone who has jumped in to chat with us, test with us, speedrun with us and give us invaluable feedback as well!
The team are all so proud of FPS - we've all laughed together and fought over challenge hi-scores, and we cannot wait to see you folks do the same! We hope you enjoy it as much as we have, it's been a really lovely process!
If you run into any problems, please don't hesitate to let us know - either on the steam forums or in our lovely [DISCORD](discord.gg/fashionpolicesquad)!
Here's to all of us sewing up and getting on, and restoring some fabulous fashion sense to Trendopolis!
Lots of love
Mopeful Games & No More Robots xoxo