New Map: "Forest 6". This map has a different size than previous ones and is not square type (check the image below). Also this map does not require DLC. Check "Extras" menu how to unlock it. Currently is with "Animal Points" and "Task" (10 wins versus 3 opponents).
New Map: "Tournament 4". Actually this include the Forest 4, 5, 6 maps and changes them every few rounds automatically. Also this Tournament does not require DLC. Check "Extras" menu how to unlock it.
New Character: "Raccoon" (DLC).
New Character: "Rabbit 2" (DLC).
New Character: "Wolf 2" (DLC).
Online: You cannot Join online room if your game version is different from the room game version.
Online: New World Chat. In regular window chat box press "World" button to change from regular (Local) to world chat. There you can see what are doing the other players (playing single, online, waiting in room). This helps a lot in organizing online games. Of course you can also send World chat messages and it doesn't matter where you are: waiting in room, playing ingame, single, online. By default, you are automatically joined in World chat. You can disable this in Settings menu. World chat is an "Еxperimental" feature and I have not tested every possible situation with many players!
Online: World Chat History. This remember last World chat messages. You can delete this World History with "X" button (near to Send button in world chat box).
Settings Menu: New option "Disable Lobby Auto Join". If this is ON, you will not be able to auto join the world chat (you can do that manually). By default this option is OFF.
Settings Menu: New option "Disable online room creation notify in Single player". If this is ON, you will not be able to see a text message when someone creates an online room. The message is like that for "Low FPS" ingame. This only works in Single player and if you are in World chat with other players. That way you can play Single while waiting for new players to enter Animals Collision and create an online room. By default this option is OFF.
Bug Fix: Sometimes reward boxes and red boxes were not visible to a client player (not host) in an online game.
Thanks for your interest about this game!
Changed files in this update