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I am not legend update for 11 August 2022

2.0 Version

Share · View all patches · Build 9292974 · Last edited 11 August 2022 – 03:09:12 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

I am not legend 2.0 continues the main gameplay of 1.0: the goal is to destroy all zombies in the scene, and zombies will double in a certain time. You collect items and weapons in the scene to complete the goal. Compared with version 1.0, version 2.0 has more improvements. Including before and during the game, you can choose different characters, choose the scene and size (this function will be added later), set the difficulty more carefully (you can choose the initial number of zombies, regeneration time setting, item richness, difficulty factor, whether to hold weapons at the beginning), and set the day and night rotation and whether to start at night. In the game, the scene settings are more realistic and rich, the character weapons are more abundant, the melee can combo and lock the zombie, and the items that can be used have more functions, etc. Moreover, the game has been better optimized. The content of version 2.0 is richer and better, but the game size is smaller than that of version 1.0, and the requirements for hardware performance are lower.

Changed depots in ianl01 branch

View more data in app history for build 9292974
Windows 64-bit I am not legend Content Depot 1891461
Windows Depot 1891462
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