New Gameplay interface for the game, fixes, beautifiers and some balance! Hope you like!
- Removed a bug where the character takes a pushback ONLY if you hit the target.
- Fixed weird hitboxes in some Porcelain Crab's animations.
- Fixed Pedro's Hit effects attachment point.
Pedro bleeding
- Reduced Lightning Scepter's Range and added a better effect.
- When Full Serotonin, Lobster will be granted a huge boost in Poise
- Adjusted Heavy Moves' sensibility. Now you need to fully commit to the movement direction to do other move than the neutral Heavy Move. This was made to better control your the output of your Heavy Move. Keyboard users, you don't have this kind of sensibility, so no big news.
- Lobster's No Input Heavy Moves now have Armor Frames
- Added a "TIRED" indicator when a character reaches zero stamina or the Tired State
- Improved Gameplay UI Elements! Now you can see how many Hitpoints/Stamina/Serotonin you have. Also it's prettier than before.
Hitpoints and Stamina
Changed files in this update