We have released another new update. This update focuses on not only adding some new entities but adjusting and improving the existing ones to give them new abilities and actions.
Full Changes:
-New status effect: Bleed - damage over time and drips a blood trail.
-New status effect: Burn - player set ablaze and takes fire damage.
-New status effect: Paranoia - sanity drops rapidly. Frequent hallucinations.
-bandage/medkit also cures bleed
-New entity that can throw fire at you
-New entity that can casts a weird aura at you inflicting you with paranoia
-Some old entities have been given ranged attacks, status inflictions, and other tweaks
-Some entities can now throw rocks/stones at you
-An added achievement for curing bleed
-Added an achievement for surviving being set alight
-Campfires set you ablaze when standing on them
-Almond water now also cures all statuses
-Sanity pills also cure paranoia
-an option was added in the settings menu to disable start-up messages and the messages shown when discovering an item for the first time (i.e "what is fresh fruit doing down here etc)
-Fixed a bug where closing inventory while dragging an item out of the slot will leave it stuck and unusable
-Some status effects can be inflicted by entities' melee attacks also
-Burn disappears in water levels
-Fixed bug where two chests can spawn inside or overlap each other
-Other minor small tweaks and fixes
As usual, we will be releasing another update next week!
Changed files in this update