Hey spirits,
As announced earlier, we have a new update for you: the Spellcasters!
Play a new guide, the scientist Raiku, and enjoy 8 new spells!
Here's our latest trailer:
↓ Complete patch notes ↓
Main Features:
- improved tutorial, now it includes world-map steps and much more information
- added a new Guide - Raiku. He can be unlocked in any chapter after the player has unlocked 3 or more Guides
- added 8 new spells
- added separate world illustration for the Crown
- many UX improvements
- large rework of the keyword script system, making interactions between different unit effects, spells and special fields more consistent and fixing multiple issues with "on death" effects
- slightly reduced and unified the amount of Lumi Dust gained, especially from main battle objectives
- added animations for Keeper spirit and a new model and animations for Picker spirit
- changed few achievements to provide a better challenge
- fixed trinkets sprite areas
- fixed shrines and made them more visible
- fixed a bug causing shrines to sometimes spawn on top of each other
- fixed few achievements not working correctly
- fixed Source of Eternity and Spore Infestation trinkets
- fixed levitating Lurkers bug
- fixed some VFX visuals
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Changed files in this update