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Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts update for 10 August 2022

*v1.08.9 Small Update*

Share · View all patches · Build 9289530 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello Admirals,

We offer another small update with needed fixes and improvements according to your latest feedback. Please read below:

v1.08.9 Small Update

  • Various repairs in the code of penetration estimations. The shell speed estimations are now properly working and showing accurate data info in the gun tables and ship stats. These changes will also affect the battle as the penetrations are calculated with improved consistency.
  • Fixed old issue of shell hits to, sometimes, appear inconsistent. A hit could appear landing on the bow but it was physically and visually evaluated as a citadel hit in the sections eventually causing inconsistent damage. The hit mapping repairs fixes various issues reported by players regarding penetration, damage and hit rates, as deck hits would be very inconsistent.
  • Fixed wrong damage information of ships in the campaign, causing confusion to players, and sometimes wrong evaluation of ships to get into repairs or not.
  • Fixed old issue of wrongly allowing Task Forces to be auto-replenished with crew at sea (while adding crew is impossible from the fleet management). The ships should now properly return to port for repairs if the crew losses become high. This fix also addresses the exploit of players parking huge battleship task forces in AI waters and progressively destroying them because the ships would not be damaged (Due to previous damage repair wrong info) nor have any crew losses on the next turns, so eventually the Task Forces dominated the area. AI overpowered fleets will also become less effective in an equal way.
  • Fixed “Saved Crew” indication not appearing in consecutive battles.
  • Weight adjustments for deck, turrets, barbettes. Deck armor is slightly lighter, with a more profound effect in large ships. Turret and Barbette armor limits are now more historically correct.
  • Fixed "saved" battles bug, which caused ammo values to be corrupted if you loaded the same battle more than one time.
  • Definite fix of turret rotation bugs. Now the turrets will not fire at impossible angles and will follow the ship listing left or right. If the turrets are not able to fire due to horizontal/vertical angle then this will appear on the respective gun info.

When guns cannot fire due to their horizontal or vertical angle, a new indication appears. More similar indications to help players understand the combat situation will become available on the next major update.

The game should be now fully playable and enjoyable without critical bugs. We prepare for the next major update which will include the full global map, all nations, full technology tree and many other improvements. More info will be available for the next update in September.

Enjoy the game!

The Game-Labs Team

Uploaded Repair x1: Fixed minor issues with Deck Hit Ratio on tall ships.
Please Restart Steam to get the minor fix.

Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts Content Depot 1069661
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