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HUMANS CONNECT update for 10 August 2022


Share · View all patches · Build 9286310 · Last edited 10 August 2022 – 07:09:15 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello Everyone! ːsteamhappyː

Forgive me for staying silent for too long
I've heard about the problems and read the reviews, it seems that a lot of players are facing issues in HUMANS CONNECT. Therefore I started working on an update the month after I released the game. I am very sorry for taking so long because I develop everything on my own and its a struggle I have to handle.

This update fixes a lot of problems in Combat system of the game. I also added some graphical improvements. Music in this game have been changed to match the environment, battle and cutscenes as well... giving the game some identity. Certain cutscenes have been changed to fix the storytelling because the version I have released was ultimately rushed and it made no sense.

I also included some hints in the game to let you all make your own theories on what is going on in the story... meaning guessing what would happen next in the upcoming DLC free content I am working on :)

I hope the game gives you a better experience and hopefully make you have a good time with it. Just keep in mind that it will not look perfect again because I do everything alone. The DLC I am working on will hopefully be released in few months (not sure how long).

Have fun playing the game and encourage other to play it as well because the game is FREE.

Thank you for your time.

Windows English HUMANS CONNECT Content Depot 1580011
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