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As Dusk Falls update for 23 August 2022

Did you know? Broadcast Mode

Share · View all patches · Build 9286179 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Did you know that As Dusk Falls features a Broadcast Mode for Twitch streamers?

Broadcast Mode allows streamers to play As Dusk Falls with their Twitch communities by letting viewers vote in chat on how the story goes.

How does it work?

Your viewers will be able to vote on choices via Twitch chat. Each choice will have a special number - in order to vote, users will have to enter the hashtag + number combo in the stream chat (e.g. #1, #2, etc.). As votes get counted, the viewers' usernames will briefly show up on screen - and the choice with the most votes will win.

You, as the host, are still required to complete all QTEs (Quick Time Events) and you can still override your community’s choice!

How to set up Broadcast Mode

Once you’ve launched the game, select New Story and tick the Broadcast mode option. You’ll be prompted to enter your Twitch name, and once done, you should receive a message that you’ve connected your channel successfully! Simple!

Broadcast Mode + Local Co-Op
Broadcast Mode is available with local co-op too! If you are playing locally with others, the broadcaster or any other local players can override the Twitch chat’s choices!

Keep up with all things As Dusk Falls:

Twitter: @asduskfallsgame

Have you played As Dusk Falls, and maybe even tried out Broadcast Mode? Leave us a review and let us know how you got on!

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