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Stranded Deep update for 11 August 2022

Stranded Deep 1.0 Release!

Share · View all patches · Build 9285485 · Last edited 11 August 2022 – 04:09:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hi everyone,

Today marks the 1.0 release of Stranded Deep!

The release of 1.0 represents that Stranded Deep is feature complete. We’ve achieved our high-level goals and are now focusing on stability and quality-of-life fixes. We have some remaining multiplayer issues to fix and we have a dedicated team working on fixing these.

We’d like to take a moment to thank everyone who has supported us. The game and community has grown far beyond anything we ever could have expected. Ben and I originally started this project out of our back rooms. We had no previous industry experience, we were just two kids with a cool idea who wanted to make their first game. I remember the Steam Greenlight concept with the little raft on the ocean… we never could have guessed the community would get behind it the way they did. It has grown beyond our wildest dreams.

We’ve met some amazing people along the way. We’ve made friends with the teams at Funlabs and Abstraction who worked hard to bring the game to consoles. It’s also been a great experience working with the big first parties and the people behind them. Everyone at Steam, Epic, Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo has been great to work with and they’ve given us opportunities that we never would have dreamed of. And of course, our publishing brothers at North Beach Games who have been with us since 2015 and supported us every step of the way. All of you have helped grow Stranded Deep into something bigger than the two of us ever could have expected. You’ve enabled us to secure our future as a studio and we’re looking forward to taking everything we’ve learned from this experience and using it to grow bigger and better. We’re forever grateful.

Thanks so much again to everyone who has been a part of the journey.

Stay Alive!
— Beam Team

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed host and/or client crashing when returning to the main menu after completing the endgame scene.
  • Fixed _Creative _and _Passive _game modes resetting when loading saved game.
  • Fixed the Watch not showing correctly on Apple M1 silicon.
  • Fixed 'Steam not initialized' errors when launching macOS app outside Steam.
  • Fixed ‘null’ session id displaying for client.
  • Fixed some German and Russian localizations.
  • Fixed missing localization terms.
  • Added native Apple M1 silicon builds.
  • Added Metal graphics API support for macOS builds.
  • Changed Crafting Menu required crafting level label color to red to make it clearer that it is a missing requirement.
New Features
  • Localized the Map Editor.
Dev Notes
  • Upgraded to Unity 2021.2.7f1
  • Upgraded to Steam SDK 1.52
Windows 64-bitEnglish Stranded Deep Depot 64 bit WIN Depot 313122
  • Loading history…
macOS 64-bitEnglish Stranded Deep Depot 64 bit OSX Depot 313124
  • Loading history…
Linux 64-bitEnglish Stranded Deep Depot 64 bit Linux Depot 313125
  • Loading history…
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