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Cross of Auria update for 10 August 2022 - Achievement's cont'd

Share · View all patches · Build 9284726 · Last edited 10 August 2022 – 01:09:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Five new achievements are now obtainable!

  • Two for collecting all the Veil Crystals.
  • One for each of the active Colosseum events.
  • One for the current wing of the Zodiac Overwatch.

With the release of 'The First Night' and 'The Second Night', that should conclude achievements that will be added that can not be obtained on a current save file. The other three, while not debug-able, can be obtained by completing their respective event an additional time. Additionally, with the release of these five, that concludes achievements that will be added after their respective event is added to the game. Moving forward, achievements and activities in which to earn them will be added together.

On a personal note, I'm very happy to see that the system is holding strong.

In other news, I'm about to work on the enemy generator #3. The current iteration uses chaotically distributed and fully randomized stats spanning 10 "classes" which were used to create every enemy currently in the game. The next one will use more streamlined pre-rolled stats per level, similar to the 1st iteration, but will have some stats either adding to or pulling from a pre-determined pool of extra points. Basically, enemies of the same 'class' will feel similar to fight minus some surprise variable stat swaps, limited to 4 classes instead of 10 - making life just a tiny bit easier for me. [Build #146, Release Date: August 09, 2022]
Bug Reports:


  • Achievement integration continues!

Updates & Changes:

  • Slightly adjusted Capricorn's troop data.

Notes & Known Issues:

  • Achievements added during this update cannot be obtained via debug.
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