Patch #2
Grandes melhorias na gameplay
Now the player will no longer need to press enter to move to the next step of the tutorial, the tutorial progresses as the player progresses through the tutorial, making it much more intuitive.
Small improvements
Crafting HUD
Now in the crafting HUD, the number of materials needed to create an item is green / red, if the player has the material needed to create the item, this way it is easier to check if they have the materials needed to create the item.
Campfire Interface - Furnace - Stove - Industrial Furnace
Added 3 icons identifying the slots to place the ingredient > Fuel > Result
region map
Now the map shows the names of the places where the player can go, making it much easier to find other regions / Biomes
Control description in the interface
Added how to rotate walls
Added How to Move Structures
Stove sound when cooking has been changed
Interface materials needed to build overlaying other interfaces
Changed files in this update