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Traitors in Salem update for 9 August 2022

Traitors in Salem Patch B.1.14 Friends List Added!

Share · View all patches · Build 9282707 · Last edited 9 August 2022 – 21:46:08 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Today we are releasing the Friends System which will allow you add friends, message friends, and invite friends to games! We have also made changes to the kill sounds we added in our last patch to help keep the cool factor they added without being a tool to identify killers. Be sure to check out the full list of changes below!

New Features
• Now introducing Friends! You and your buddies can now be Friends, allowing you to message them and invite them to play with you!
• Added an attack sound for Pirate’s kill.
• Added ability for Prosecutor to text chat during prosecution the same as the Defendant.

Breaking Changes
• Changed the format for deck manager saves to invalidate old save files. This was necessary due to changes in the numbering used within the save files. You will need to recreate your saved game setups. Apologies for that, but we are still in Beta at this point and occasionally we need to break something to move the game forward.

• Generic Kill Sounds - Refactored kill sounds based upon player feedback. The new way that kill sounds will work is that if you are either the killer or the victim, you will hear the specialized kills sounds specific to the killer’s skin. If you are not the killer or the victim, but are simply a witness to a murder (even one on the edge of line-of-sight), you will only hear a generic kill sound. This means that you will not be able to identify the killer based solely on the sound the killer makes.
• In the Role Deck screen, the Townie and Traitor basic roles now sort to the top of the available role list so they can be quickly banned without having to search through the list of available roles.
• Banned roles will now display a ban icon on the role card in the available roles list.
• Improved layout of dropdowns on Host Options page.
• Improved pathing to gallows.
• Removed the duplicated timer display during the Listen phase of trial (both standard and Prosecution).
• In games where the Show Names host option has been set to false, certain roles such as Psychic and Seer will no longer see player in-game names in the HUD stackable notifications messages for their roles. Instead, they will now properly see the character (skin) names.
• Added Shooting Range to minimap.
• Added sound effect to Mayor Reveal.
• Added sound effect to Barkskin shield being used.
• Synchronized bell ring with cinematic and reduced bell sound to play only once rather than four times.
• Refactored Discussion and Trial voting to prevent spam voting (voting for someone, then continually changing vote repeatedly) which could flood the chat log with vote entries and potentially cause lag when opening the chat log. The chat log will now only register the latest changed vote, rather than every changed vote.
• Discussion and Trial voting chat log entries will now say “You” rather than your in-game name on vote log entries.
• Layout improvements on Dispel Magic match runes minigames.
• Improved appearance of skip button on Discussion screen. Dark background and highlight were about 5 pixels off.
• The Ice Storm spell does not slow ghosts, so the HUD Banner text has been slightly tweaked to make it more proper for when ghosts read the message.
• The chat log message for a body being reported will now say where the body was found (if allowed by Host Options settings).
• Fixed HUD Banner message when Medium dies to make it more obvious they have a short time to reveal another player’s role.

Bug Fixes
• Certain abilities such as Speed Boost will now be removed at the end of a game as the player is returned to Lobby phase.
• Fixed Role Deck Manager button to properly open the Role Deck Manager.
• Fixed Role Deck Loader to properly load saved role lists containing multiples of a role.
• The + and - buttons no longer display on the Role buttons in Classic Mode lobby if you are the host. These were improperly displaying even though they were non-functional.
• Fixed an issue where the victim’s role during the Who Died announcement would sometimes use the improper version of the indefinite article a/an.
• After you have completed the Hidden Passage bookcase minigame, subsequent games in the same session will now properly show the books in the bookcase minigame.
• After you have completed the Collect Firewood chop wood minigame, subsequent games in the same session will now properly show the log atop the cutting base again.
• Fixed Seer and Investigator ability use counts decrementing by two rather than one when ability is used on an Illusion.
• When a Seer either Gazes or Intuits an Illusionist’s illusion, the intuit will now always report different factions.
• Fixed the use count label on the Seer’s Intuit ability to start at 2 uses rather than 3.
• Using the Seer’s ability on an Illusionist’s illusion will no longer potentially trigger the earning of achievements such as checking a revealed mayor.
• Fixed missing Hammond pet on Mac machines.
• Fixed grammar error on Illusionist role card.
• Fixed sound effect on Report Body cinematic.
• Spelling fixes to some items.
• Some fixes to camera following timings.

Windows 64-bit Codename: Space Invaders Content Depot 1497641
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macOS 64-bit Codename: Space Invaders Depot MAC Depot 1497642
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