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The Quarry update for 9 August 2022

Quality-of-life additions to The Quarry! August 9 Update

Share · View all patches · Build 9282478 · Last edited 9 August 2022 – 17:09:18 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

Today's update to The Quarry features various quality-of-life improvements, including a new difficulty setting for Quick Time Events and added language options for subtitles!

If you fancy yourself a QTE expert who can dodge danger at every turn, test your limits using the new 'Min Timer' setting. With the added challenge of this setting, each QTE will be a blink-and-you'll-miss-it race against the clock; don't be surprised if even the slightest hesitation results in gruesome death when things get hectic.

That being said, there are a multitude of outcomes you can only experience by failing QTEs, so you're likely to see scenes you might never have otherwise—don't be afraid to fail! The Min Timer setting can only be used when playing in single-player. To enable it, go to the Main Menu, then Settings, then Accessibility and set QTE Speed to 'Min Timer.'

Another quality-of-life choice included in this update is the ability to pair English voiceovers with region-specific language subtitles. To activate this, go to the Main Menu, then Settings, then Audio and toggle 'Enable English Dialogue.'

Here's a complete list of the changes included with this update:
●      Added 'Min Timer' option for increased difficulty during QTEs
●      Added 'Enable English Dialogue' to pair with region-specific subtitles
●      General bug fixes and polish

Changed depots in smgreview_shipping branch

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