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Buccaneers! update for 9 August 2022

Patch 1.0.13 Released: Improved Quest Markers, VR Fixes and more!

Share · View all patches · Build 9282405 · Last edited 9 August 2022 – 17:32:08 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Fellow swashbucklers,

We’ve released another small update with some much-needed quality-of-life improvements. Notably, the world map now presents more information about quest markers, allowing you to distinguish between different encounters at a glance, and we made multiple adjustments to VR mode for a better room-scale experience. Check out the full list of changes below.

Buccaneers! Version 1.0.13

New Features

  • [VR] Added a manual recenter function which is triggered by holding down the Pause button for 2 seconds. Please note: This only changes your horizontal position and rotation, and does not persist between play sessions. If you want to apply persistent offsets to your height, ship’s wheel position or playspace rotation, you can use the settings under Options > Controls.


  • Boarding approach requirements have been replaced with visible zones on each side of the target ship. To initiate boarding, you now just need to be inside an active zone on either side of the target ship. The angle of approach no longer matters.
  • Hovering over quest markers on the World Map now shows you the name and objective of the active quest associated with the marker. If there is more than one objective at the same location, the marker shows the quantity instead of the default “!” icon.
  • Encounter and dock buttons with associated quests on the World Map now share a consistent design with a quest marker that no longer obscures the button.
  • Added a heart icon next to the player’s health bar, which is replaced by the Second Wind icon when that ability is unlocked and ready to use.
  • Added visual and audio effects when the Second Wind ability is triggered.
  • Added crew battle cries when starting boarding or a land battle.
  • Added an alarm bell sound to land battles.
  • [VR] The player’s health bar is now split into segments, making it consistent with the non-VR version.
  • [VR] Player locomotion/teleports and collisions are now handled relative to your current position within your playspace, instead of from the centre of the playspace.
  • [VR] Snap/smooth rotation now uses your current position within your playspace as its pivot, instead of the centre of the playspace.


  • Fixed ranged enemies failing their line-of-sight checks against the player on land when there are no obstacles in the way.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed the player to damage allied crew with melee attacks.
  • Fixed a rare issue where a ship would initiate boarding on one side and swing around to the other side of its target before the grappling manoeuvre had finished.
  • Fixed a rounding error that would sometimes calculate a small repair cost when it should be zero after partially repairing a ship.
  • Fixed the target ship in “The Hunt” starting with zero crew after stealing it from a harbour.
  • Fixed incorrect detection of completed main quests when starting a new game after loading a different save. This sometimes caused Elite encounters to appear too early in the game.
  • Fixed the “Acquire a Tier 2 ship” objective in “Trial by Fire” not completing if you steal one from an enemy harbour.
  • Fixed custom key bindings for the Sprint action not being correctly applied after relaunching the game.
  • Fixed controller aim assist ignoring line-of-sight checks when aiming a ranged weapon.
  • Removed leftover colliders for cannons which are hidden when sneaking into enemy shipyards.
  • [VR] The game should now close when trying to quit via a VR platform overlay (e.g. Oculus Dash or SteamVR menu).
  • [VR] The game now pauses when the headset is removed or a VR platform overlay is opened.
  • [VR] Fixed the spyglass moving further away from your hand while on a fast-moving ship.

Happy pirating! 🏴‍☠️

Windows Buccaneers! Windows Depot 1148561
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