- Added a new achievement: MELDIN TIME
- Added the game's music as a Steam Album (it should automatically show in your Steam Music Library in View -> Music Player).
- Added a x2 resolution font for the heading font (eg the item names when choosing a boneraise).
- Added button prompt tips for the keyboard numbers.
- Added a visual/sound effect to the Vampire class when he sucks the blood of enemies.
- The Vampire's Blood Invigoration meta is now based on the static starting health instead of a percentage of your current health (so increasing your maximum health is very beneficial).
- Slighly increased the amount of Cannibals and Dryads that appear during their special stage (felt it was a bit too easy).
- When the Deamonic Doppelganger casts a spell there's now a 25% chance it will copy one of the spells you currently hold.
- Added a sound effect to when the rat orb totem is charging up (so you know it's about to attack).
- When you kill the Wizard Boss it will now also destroy his projectiles.
//bug fixes
- The Marrow Succor meta wasn't immediately updating the maximum health boost.
- The Wallop Hammerer minion wasn't recording its damage stat correctly.
- The invincibility gained just after choosing an item would override your existing invincilbility frames (annoying if you were already benefiting from a fairy).
- The Clairvoyant traveler wasn't showing your currant coins, and could donate to him even if you didn't have the coins.
- You could give the Miserable Wretch traveler a Barrow Boner even if you didn't have one.
- Having a lot of melee minions could cause a slowdown during the King Gigald fight.
- When using coins to buy Class Heritage it would wrongly say they cost 1111.
- On the Status Screen having a lot of minions would obscure the number amount text.
- The Gaunt Skewerer would sometimes cause a crash when attacking.
Changed files in this update