- fixed bug preventing basson from playing discounted energy card on first turn
- fixed draconic fury creating empty tooltip on affected card
- fixed several cards not applying "buffed" status to cards when they affect them
- fixed error caused by purchasing icon while icon select dialog is left open
- added steam login!
- player profile now shows default customization for the displayed avatar when viewed by other players as well
- fix avatar subdue playing core damage VFX even when no core damage is dealt
- switch to https protocol on PROD setup
- allow user to navigate around the menu while looking for match!
- fix leadership cards with threshold 2 not being highlighted if trait gives +1 leadership during mulligan
- disable cancel button sooner once a match has been found, preventing errors
- add check on server to stop invites to players in matchmaking process
- fixed problem with transparent cards that once occurred, persists until the game is restarted
Changed files in this update