Update 4.0 is finally live and here are the changes:
- New map: The Dust 2 (Sequel to Discount Dust map)
- New game mode: Elimination (Round win limit at 5 & two teams competing w/ each other)
- New ClownZ map: Ground Zero Extended (Experimental)
- New: Day & Night Cycle (Only in ClownZ > Ground Zero Extended)
- Security Improvements
The Dust 2 is carefully handcrafted map by our single level designer, a sequel to one of our first original maps "Discount Dust". You won't be disappointed and you're going to keep asking for "more". New game mode has also been added to compete with current Team Deathmatch mode - the Elimination. Play with your teammates against an opposite team, no respawns between deaths - every move counts. (Currently available in The Dust 2 only).
ClownZ also haven't been left alone. We are introducing you an extended map of original Ground Zero map. It's not only huge and beautiful, but it also includes an experimental system which we're trying to improve upon. Players spawn in different zones, away from each other. You cannot purchase weapons no more, but rather have to loot buildings and find them; but don't you worry, you're still going to be able to spend your ClownZ points on re-supplying (ammo boxes) and as well as using mystery boxes.
We're also introducing a day & night cycle to ClownZ. Why not enjoy ClownZ in much better environment and atmosphere?
There are plans ahead of Clownfield mechanics, ClownZ game mode and its future. Stay tuned by joining our growing Discord Community: _
Changed files in this update