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MAJOR Where's Oswald update for 10 August 2022

A Major Update has Arrived...

Share · View all patches · Build 9278730 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 14:38:59 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

A major update has arrived, bringing a new Free Roam gamemode, visual updates and expanded environments are among the changes. Here's the full patchnotes:

Updated project to UE5. Now with dynamic lighting. Eliminates the many light seams made by Lightmass. Generally increased overall lighting brightness with Lumen GI.
Expanded Sewer area. Added two extra key collection tasks, one branching off of Oswald chase loop to encourage player interaction with him.
Expanded Graveyard area. Replaced original assets with a higher quality set. Adjusted foliage textures and fixed the blue-ish hue of the shrub foliage.
Free Roam Gamemode. The door is now open. You can now explore the entire game world without the constraints of linear gameplay and horror events. This is a combined level with some bonus areas you can explore freely, at your own pace. If you've already played the game, and you like exploration, I recommend checking it out. As all levels are combined here, the Free Roam gamemode may have higher performance requirements than standard play.
Other changes. Some players were having trouble finding batteries. Increased size of collectable items and added a glowing pulse to improve their visibility. This will also help flow with new key collection tasks. More obviously placed flashlight so some of us do not miss it :) Footsteps now contribute to reverb where applicable. This means that footsteps sound more connected to the environment. Added new rain effects.
Known problems. Engine update messed with the audio delays in the computer scene- removed the alt sound, now it's just a single tone. Texture streaming tends to be slow to pop-in on the Free Roam level.

If there is any demand for it, I may restore the release version in some form.

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