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Lys and Ruka's Magical Bag update for 9 August 2022

08/08/2022 Ver 1.04 Patch Notes

Share · View all patches · Build 9278578 · Last edited 9 August 2022 – 04:59:09 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Thank you for all your feedback. It is very encouraging!

I want to create a fun game that allows players to enjoy the boosting of items when they are arranged and reinforced with spirit stones, and that also allows them to defeat enemies with quick actions.
I would also like to make the game enjoyable when you use your items to overcome strong enemies and dangerous situations.

・You will always get a different item out of the lucky box when you place an item into it.
The exception is bread. Bread will come out of the box often.
・The inexpensive spirit stones grant an unreasonably high benefit when they are thrown into the lucky box. As such, we have set the minimum value of items that can be thrown in to the box to 2500.
We are very sorry for this price increase for KuroUsado customers.
・The attack speed of the sword and spear have been increased when the weapon button is held down.
・I have increased the power boost when an enemy without another evolution rank levels up!
There wasn't much of a power-up before, though, so we fixed that, too.
・The stamina of the sword has been improved, so we thought it would be good to have an advantage when the wielder's stamina is high.
I made it so that the higher their stamina is, the shorter the interval between dash uses becomes.
However, using dash will decrease stamina more quickly.
・While it isn't a commonly encountered enemy, one particular enemy has been strengthened.
・Fixed a problem where the sound effect that plays when using "Dual" or "Echo" weapons was overlapping with itself.
・Fixed a bug that when a weapon with a +4 or +6 rating was attached to a stone with a +10 or +6 rating by crushing the spirit stone of a twin star, the rating was added to the weapon.
+4 and +6 weapons should be useable under normal circumstances, right...? Sorry about that!
・The data that will be synced via Steam Cloud is now limited to save data only.
I don't believe that key configurations and screenshots will be synced, but I'm not very familiar with it, so I may have to look into it a bit more.
・We put a few restrictions on the ”Dupe Chm” because they could possibly cause the world to collapse.
・Fixed a problem in which the color of the base layer changed when assimilated spirit stones were sandwiched between spirit stones.
・Fixed an issue where the time was not reset when retrying a dungeon from the menu.
・Fixed an issue where the effect of the twin star was not reflected when registering magic to a shortcut.
The ice gatling's continuous generation is still incomplete, this effect does not occur unless it is registered to a shortcut.
I'll fix it once I am able to figure out how to fix it......!
・I removed the various copies of the title because it was in some unusual places, and there wasn't much need to use it.

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