Hold Your Own Publicl Build V10.0.10 Patch Notes
Improved FPS in swamp. Had to remove reflections and lighting and shadows, and reduce the number of point lights on the buildings. Won’t look quite as good but shouldn’t kill performance either. Please provide feedback on performance.
Fixed an issue when starting a new game, and the player exits without save before an autosave is done. Mousing over inventory items causes them to disappear and when looting a “No room in inventory” message is displayed.
Fixed a potential game hang and crash when completing quests with the new special loot chests.
Adjusted the lighthouse dimensions to try and provide a wider staircase. You can still have issues here, recommend crouching and moving up the stairs carefully, slowly, and in the center.
Fixed various text.
Fixed error in tool tip for heat value. Heat/cool was still being applied just not displayed correctly in inventory or storage.
Fixed an error in calculating perish times when they were large by being in the freezer. Tool tip is correct now.
Fixed Medical Herbs crafting in Chemistry Station, Icon not showing and mats not recognized, couldn’t craft.
Fixed several houses. Some had to be rescaled and loot containers in these buildings on exiting games may be floating or slightly sunk into the floor. This is due to how the game saves loot containers including their locations.
Fixed a stair recipe in the Sawbench.
Further reduced 4x4 engine volume by half.
Increased the car braking rise rate, hopefully increasing braking strength.
Decreased the car steering rise rate on all vehicles. This should reduce over steering.
Added to the detailed quest description for the Assault on Outpost quest. The elite guards you must kill spawn mixed in with the normal hunters and guards in the area. However, the elite guards roam far to the right and left of the road. These guards will spot you from far away and run at you until within range.
Changed the wardrobe of guards spawned for kill guard quests. These guards now wear a desert shemagh, green shirt, and light tan pants to distinguish them from the normally spawned guards. Killing these guards fulfills quest requirements.
Slightly increased the total number of nodes in the titanium caves, and increased the ratio of titanium to diamond.
Fixed prior adjustment of oil shale spawns in their own caves and in the general spawn caves.
Reduced the chicken’s Hearing Threshold and Sight Radius, decreased max speed and max acceleration. Hopefully you can get closer to them.
Attempted a fix for sliding across the boat deck while at sea. The boat deck material had zero and nearly zero friction values. I increased them to make sliding less likely. Please report success or failure of this adjustment, as it seems to vary.
Increased player max step height to avoid getting stuck on curved stairs in player base.
Fixed Workshop Foundation not needing Workshop skill point. Now it does. The Workshop skill point is required for both Workshop and Workshop Foundation.
Rugs stack to 5 now.
Added total crafting queue time at the upper left corner of the crafting window. This should help know how much fuel to add to crafting stations requiring fuel. This should also help you know when the crafting queue will complete.
Helicopter can now land on most flat surfaces including flat roofs of most buildings.
Attempted to decrease the likelihood of a fatal error when accessing the boat. The work on fixing this issue is not complete, please always save before entering a boat or helicopter.
Dev Notes
Dev Note: Due to reports of fatal error CTDs when entering or leaving a vehicle please do a manual save before getting in a car, boat, or heli. I am keeping track of this issue and hope to resolve it. Please report any CTDs with a description of what you were doing just prior to the crash, if you or the vehicle had a full inventory, etc.
Dev Note: The auto save period is 10 minutes, however an auto save will not occur if you are driving a vehicle; car, boat or heli. If the 10 minute timer expires while driving the save will be done upon exiting the vehicle.
Changed files in this update