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Easy Red 2 update for 9 August 2022

Update 1.1.5: 5 New weapons, Big performance improvements, improved animations

Share · View all patches · Build 9277301 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hi everyone!

With the arrival of the Stalingrad DLC now confirmed for September, we have decided to give a gift to all players by adding 5 new weapons in the standard version of the game.
We also focused on improving the prop and building loading system to get even more optimized maps by increasing the framerate and reducing stuttering especially for low-end users.

Below are all the main news of the latest update:

New features:
•Added MG34.
•Added Gewehr 41.
•Added Panzerbüchse 39 AT rifle.
•Added Early War M1 Carbine.
•Added M1A1 Paratrooper Carbine.
•Added various props (Stalingrad DLC testers).
•Added soviet Amoeba uniform (Stalingrad DLC testers).

•Big performance improvements.
•Improved TPS animations for Bazooka and Panzerfaust.
•Improved DP27 reload animations (Stalingrad DLC testers)
•Improved debris texture.
•Fixes in inventory names.
•Various other fixes and changes from #feedbacks Discord channel.

We also got some news about the Nintendo switch version: It is confirmed to be released on 1st of September 2022, with the eShop pages being visible since 25th of August. It will be released in North America (continent), South America, Europe, Australia and Korea.

Also In a couple weeks we will give away various Stalingrad DLC codes to voulounteers who would like to help us testing the upcoming DLC, so make sure to join our Discord server.

Not only that, but right now we are now holding a Map & Mission Editor contest on the Discord, where anyone can participate to submit it's own map & missions. The best map will probably be added to the Nintendo Switch version of the game. Also there are interesting prizes for the winner(s).
All the info can be found here.

In general if you have feedbacks and suggestions the Dicord server is still the best place were to discuss them toghether.

Finally, some devlogs on how we add new weapons into the game:
Adding Panzerbüchse 39
Adding MG34

Thank you everyone,

Windows Easy Red 2 WINDOWS Depot 1324781
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