v1.75 (aug6 2022)
-new shark enemy for beach level
-added player(in water) physics
-enter water splash effect
-new SharkDeath endgame death animation scene
-level type description, durring level start
-new option, select level type, play random levels or play specific level only
v1.7 (aug2 2022)
-new random beach level
-new field of view adjust in options
v1.6 (july20 2022)
new transitioning camera rotations for default fixed camera
v1.59 (july18 2022)
-new random fire level
-HUD improvements
v1.58 (july12 2022)
-new intro scene for game start and level start
-new timeout rotating camera
v1.55 (july10 2022)
new attack -Kick (Leftstick-Up to change attacks)
new attack -Spinkick (In store catalog at the bottom $1000)
new weapon -Uzi (In store display case $1000)
weapon select hud menu (change weapons) pistol - uzi - shotgun
current total of five differnt attacks and 3 weapons
v1.5 (july6 2022)
-timebomb explosion area is smaller but now deals -10 damage xlevel
-new object interactions and physics related to timebomb explosion
-4 level run gamemode
-10 level run gamemode
-boss attack gamemode
-circlething in options
-random rain level
-random dark level
-sun attack (buy in store catalog for $1000 each)
-follow camera store item (buy in store catalog for $1000)
[ cammera will automatically follow 360 degree behind character ]
-no cost spread (buy in store catalog for $1000)
-attack select hud meneu
-count days on hud
-spike pits
-improved wall collision
v1.1 (????? 2022)
-circlething in options
-random rain level
-random dark level
-sun attack (buy in store catalog for $1000 each)
-follow camera store item (buy in store catalog for $1000)
- camera will automatically follow 360 degree behind character *
-no cost spread (buy in store catalog for $1000)
-attack select hud menu (change attacks)
-count days on hud
-spike pits
-improved wall collision
-10 level run gamemode
-new game launcher with openGL 2 or OpenGL 3 option
Changed files in this update