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The Dwarves of Glistenveld update for 8 August 2022

Research & Polish (Patch Notes 24)

Share · View all patches · Build 9277057 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Fellow Dwarves! Our engineers have discovered how to research new technologies by tinkering with resources, as well as admire their beards & braids from a new angle!

Patch Notes

Features & Design Changes:

  • Tinkering / Research - A new feature of the tech tree allows you to unlock techs using resources instead of schematics! Currently only tier 1 techs can be researched. The research takes time and requires a fairly substantial amount of resources.
  • Water Reflections & Visuals - Improved the visual effect of water and added reflections for any units, buildings, scenery etc. by the water's edge. Deep water has been made more atmospheric.
  • Wall-building AI - AI dwarf/goblin teams now build walls around their bases, including doors / caltrops at entrances. This features most in skirmish / caverns mode.
  • Force Rest AI - Now when you tell a dwarf to rest, even if there are no beds available, they will still head to a nearby bed or building and wait. This is useful when you need to quickly take them out of a dangerous location.
  • Issuing Orders - Changed what happens when telling a dwarf to interact with a scenery or building. If there is only one possible action, it is performed without a popup menu. This also fixes a problem where you couldn't right click to repair a training dummy.
  • Big Picture UI - Revamped the Big Picture UI (top-left) to be slightly bigger, cleaner and make the buttons looks more like buttons.
  • Ground Webs - Added a new type of web that covers the ground and will appear in certain modes. Marginally slows units and will break away after several steps.
  • Skirmish Mode - Balanced quantity of coal and altered the default preset for a more challenging game.
  • Basalt - A new currently indestructible mineral. Now features in specific campaign maps to prevent certain events happening out of order.
  • Turtle-Belly - Turtle-belly dwarves will now have a minor resistance to poison, as well as their slower hunger-rate.
  • Goblin Traits - Goblins now feature traits similar to dwarves, though there are fewer goblin traits available.
  • Dwarf-list - The Dead Units tab of the dwarf-list has been cleaned up and now shows whether the unit has been buried and in which map (useful in the campaign).
  • Tutorial - Created research & 'low health warning' in-game tutorials (not to be confused with the tutorial adventure). Also improved various tutorials and tutorial states will no longer be frozen if the game is paused.
  • Options Menu - Added graphics presets & more options, and re-arranged a few items to make more sense.

Fixes & Improvements:

  • Loading Screen - Improved the 'cog spin' visual feedback and information when loading maps & save games.
  • End of Level Stats - Added missing icons & labels to the pop-up stats for the end of a campaign level.
  • Escape Menu - Reformatted and added icons to the menu options in the escape menu, for visual aid.
  • Floating Barrels - Fixed a couple bugs with floating barrels, including stacking combat abilities.
  • Rest AI - Added more conditions when dwarves will automatically go to rest. Also telling a dwarf to rest wasn't always turning off that state after they've rested.
  • Entity Tooltips - Fixed a bug where tooltips wouldn't always display when they should, for example when hovering over enemy buildings.
  • Battles - Fixed a bug where units would sometimes still act as if they were in battle when they weren't.
  • Dwarf Team AI - Improved how dwarves choose which classes they should be at any given moment.
  • Worker Selection UI - Fixed a bug where turning off one unit working on a job would confuse the check-box states (although it was working properly behind the scenes).
  • Music - Music would switch tracks rapidly while you sped up the gameplay, also wouldn't always fade-out when viewing the world map.
  • Instruction Keybinds - Now when pressing keybinds for instructions like build bridge, the page containing that instruction is opened & closed automatically in the UI.
  • World Map - Fixed some visual bugs with the unit selection / carry item UIs.
  • Vehicles no longer get selected when selecting a group of units.
  • Various other bug fixes, improvements and cleaned up a lot of code. Added some sanity checks to ensure dwarves don't get duplicated when saving/loading in the campaign.

We've been working a lot on polish in preparation for the Chapter 2 release. Sorry to say it might still be a couple months away, but we'll see. That's all for now, stay safe out there!

The Dwarves of Glistenveld Content Depot 805521
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