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Nienix update for 8 August 2022

New weapon mods and balance adjustments

Share · View all patches · Build 9276468 · Last edited 8 August 2022 – 21:09:12 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
Version 0.5550920370

🎯 [New Weapon mod] Glass Cannon Edition: Increased attack speed at the cost of reduced resist all.
🎯 [New Weapon mod] Bruiser Edition: Increased damage and aura effectiveness at the cost of reduced attack speed.
🎯 [Balance] The two new weapon mods described above can roll for all auxiliary weapon types.
🎯 [Balance] The warp plasma requirement of follow-type auras on auxiliary items has been increased by 20%.
🎯 [Balance] The Axiom skill "Heavy Plating" now provides a diminishing return past 360% (600 metres).
🎯 [Balance] The likelihood of stun provided by the weapon mod "Stun Edition" is now based on weapon attack speed and its number of bullets per shot.
🎯 [Balance] The Xinthu skill "Slow But Deadly" (5:4) now provides 10% decreased attack speed and 15% increased damage per level.
🎯 [Balance] Hull repair provided by weapons is now affected by item grade (a higher grade/rarity means a stronger hull repair).
🎯 [Balance] The Corrosive Bomb weapon is now allowed on ship turrets.
🎯 [Balance] All auxiliary-type weapons are now allowed on ship turrets.
🎯 [Balance] Weapons that provide hull repair on collision can now heal self given that they have sufficient explosion radius. This means that most Xinthu-type weapons, given that their bullet explode, now repair self. Previously, weapons would only repair self if they created hull repair auras on termination.
🎯 [Bug fix] Doors now correctly requires defeating the boss enemies to be opened in one of the open-world type Continuum Events.
🎯 [Bug fix] Missing walls have been added to the third level of the "Abandoned C-Class Freighter" event.

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